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Statutes and Legislation come from the legislative branches of federal or state government.
Search for a law by topic, its common name, or by citation.
For example: Family and Medical Leave Act 29 U.S.C. § 2620
Note: multiple words in quotes will search for that phrase.
It may be helpful to narrow your search results. Look for the narrow options on the left of the results screen.
You can also find statutes from a specific state, by including the state name in your search (without having to narrow your search).
On the the results screen, click the Statutes and Legislation limit on the left.
The full text of state constitutions can also be found here. Once you search for a term, and limit to Statutes and Legislation, choose the following Narrow By options:
Oscar Rennebohm Library
959 Edgewood College Drive - Madison, WI 53711