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Job Hunting Resources: Home

Do Your Research!

Should you apply for that job?  Do some research on the company or organization and inform yourself.

Have an interview with an organization?  The more you know about an organization the smarter you'll look to them (and the more likely you'll get a job offer).

Ready to negotiate salary?  Find out the "going rate" so you don't get short changed.

Edgewood Career Services

Wisconsin Career Resources

Other Useful Sites

Get Info from Professional Organizations

Find a Professional Organization

Many professional associations have employment or career sections on their website.

Try an internet search for the terms “association” or “organization” along with the name of the field (i.e. nursing association)

Don’t forget local/regional associations.  There are often state associations in many fields.  Add the state name to the search.


Once you find an association’s website, look for a jobs or employment section.  Many associations have job postings.  Don’t see one?  Look for a “search this site” link and search for the words “jobs” or “employment.”

Membership / Networking

Most professional associations offer a discount membership for students.  Don’t forget to look for association events, which can be great opportunities for networking.

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Jonathan Bloy
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