In the spirit of our shared Dominican values of Community, Justice, and Partnership, we the staff of the Oscar Rennebohm Library stand in solidarity with the Black community. We emphatically condemn all forms of racism. As librarians, openness to information, the search for truth, and support of dialogue are fundamental to our being. We believe that racism and intolerance are unacceptable.
We recognize our privilege and stand committed to using our roles and resources to work to end systemic injustice.
We also stand committed to:
Affirm explicitly and in united solidarity our identity as an anti-racist academic unit.
Individual and institutional exploration and examination of implicit bias and systemic advantage/oppression, such that our anti-racism commitment is reflected in the work and culture of the Oscar Rennebohm Library through policies, collections, and practices, as we continue to learn about racism and ethnic oppression.
Development and implementation of strategies and best practices that dismantle racism and ethnic oppression within all aspects of our library.
In the words of Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, “being an antiracist requires persistent self-awareness, constant self-criticism, and regular self-examination”. This ongoing process will be difficult and often uncomfortable. However, a commitment to denounce racism, oppression, and hatred as a library and as a larger campus community is needed now more than ever.
Yours truly in partnership and love,
Oscar Rennebohm Library Staff
We recognize our privilege and stand committed to using our roles and resources to work to end systemic injustice.
We also stand committed to:
In the words of Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, “being an antiracist requires persistent self-awareness, constant self-criticism, and regular self-examination”. This ongoing process will be difficult and often uncomfortable. However, a commitment to denounce racism, oppression, and hatred as a library and as a larger campus community is needed now more than ever.
Yours truly in partnership and love,
Oscar Rennebohm Library Staff