You've probably heard... there is a big election coming up.
Our Elections & Voting Guide can help you cut through the political spin, decide who to vote for, and even do some scholarly research. The guide has links for:
- Fact checking
- The latest polls
- Politicians voting records
- Info about political parties
- Wisconsin specific information
In addition, the Elections & Voting Guide also has links to help you find out how and where you can vote.
As the library profession continues to transition and refocus, Edgewood College's Rennebohm Library continues to embrace the electronic arena. We have kept up with the industry standard for electronic journals. We have actively reduced the number of print journal subscriptions while increasing our subscription to electronic journal packages. We have led the charge in eliminating duplicate print copies from our collections freeing up space for additional computing and study areas.
As far as books are concerned, the electronic transition is slow (as I hoped it would be). You see I love holding a new book in my hand, turning crisp pages, and smelling new ink. I have awoken with the imprint of the book cover on my cheek. I have tried to read books electronically and it makes my eyes hurt. I am just not that kind of reader. I am old (school) and transition is hard. The young people in my life laugh at my age-related gripe: I love print books!
As I ponder how slowly the electronic book vendors are transitioning, I realize that I have little to worry. Print Books will be on our shelves for a while longer. I am not the only lover of the printed page. You know who you are! We are not ready to transition fully to just e-versions. Quite frankly not everything is available electronically. We have purchased a few major e-book collections and individual books. Our users appreciate our providing multiple access points. We are thrilled that some departments/schools prefer this method of delivery but I just want to shout, “WE ARE STILL BUYING BOOKS!”
We are currently building our Relax & Read section to accommodate some of those NY Times Bestsellers that we sometimes think of these as guilty pleasures. Here is a list of our Relax & Read titles (with the newest books first). Please feel free to make any additional purchase suggestions.
Sylvia Contreras,
Library Director