Happy New Year and welcome back for the spring semester.  I hope you have had a relaxing winter break and gotten a chance to read a good book or two.  As always the library is ready and excited to help you all have a successful semester.  To this end we have made a few changes.

2nd Floor Soundproofing

On the second floor you will notice that the library board room no longer has a door and glass windows facing into the library. A solid wall is now in place to prevent sound from traveling into the library, with additional study tables and electrical outlets available.

New Chairs

The Athletic department has generously donated 6 very large bean bag chairs to the library.  You will find them on both the 1st and 2nd floors of the library.

Student Study Rooms

Student reservations for the group study rooms were very popular in the fall so we will continue to take reservations this spring. To strengthen this policy, the rooms will now remain locked and those reserving a room will have to stop at the service desk to check out the key.  This way we can make sure to fairly provide access to this highly in demand library resource.

On behalf of myself and all the library staff we are excited to welcome you back to campus and remind all students, faculty and staff to contact us or just stop in whenever you need assistance.

Welcome Back!

Nathan Dowd
Library Director, Oscar Rennebohm Library