With Kanopy, we now have access to more than 30,000 films

kanopy logoThe Oscar Rennebohn Library has upgraded our access to the Kanopy streaming media platform, which now includes over 30,000 films.  The popular on-demand film streaming service Kanopy is available here on our website. Edgewood College students, faculty, and staff can access Kanopy through links on the A-Z Resource List, or many of our research guides. Films can be streamed from any computer, television, mobile device or platform.  You can access Kanopy films from any web browser, or the Kanopy app which is available for iOS, Android, AppleTV, Chromecast or Roku.

Offering what the New York Times calls “a garden of cinematic delights,” Kanopy showcases more than 30,000 of the world’s best films, including award-winning documentaries, rare and hard-to-find titles, film festival favorites, indie and classic films, and world cinema with collections from Media Education Foundation, Criterion Collection, Kino Lorber, PBS, New Day Films, and Psychotherapy.net. For browsable lists and information about performance rights, see our Kanopy FAQ.